This is a regular page in bookcase.
Site Settings
Site Configuration These settings are important for building a website using hugo. See All Configura...
Theme Settings
Theme Configuration These values are inside your toml config file.
Navbar title HTML is available.
Page Settings
Page Settings These values are inside your page’s front-matter.
Layout Monochrome support diff...
Bookcase Layout Document
Bookcase layout is useful for creating another viewpoint of list contents.
This layout can only be ...
Gallery Layout Document
Gallery Layout Document Gallery layout is useful for demonstrating pictures and its statistical data...
Blank Layout Document
Blank layout render only the content of, it’s useful for fully customizing your list...
List Layout Document
List layout is the built-in section layout. Monochrome add options to adjust its behavior.
Postcard Layout Document
Postcard layout show summary of regular posts, it’s useful for creating home page.
This layou...
Balloon Layout Document
Balloon Layout Document Balloon is useful for demonstrating information step-by-step.
This layout c...
Phoenix Live Views
The content below was generated for prepare a talk for the Elixir Meetup in CDMX 🇲🇽
All the drawin...
Learning IoT: First Steps with Elixir
Recently I have the opportunity to give a conference in the Startup Week in Mexico City. So I decide...
Learning Swift
Learning Swift Recently I have been studying about Swift. I think that the learning experience is a ...
Ember 2018 Roadmap: A call for blog post
This blog post is a response to Ember’s 2018 Roadmap: A Call for Blog Posts Last November 2017 I had...
Learning Puppet
Learning Puppet Hi! Recently I was reviewing two courses about Jenkins, so I had to use Vagrant for ...
Ember JS First Steps
In the last post Learning Ember I talk about how to start with Ember.
Now, after nights studying Emb...
PacktPub Review: Effective Jenkins
Recently, I reviewed a video course from Packt Publishing: “Effective Jenkins: Improving Quality in ...
Learning Ember JS
Follow with learning more about Ember Js as our JS framework, I have to talk about my learning exper...
Process in Elixir: A Simple Example
In the last days I have been learning about Process in Elixir. After doing some exercises and unders...
Phoenix Simple App using Web Sockets
Hi! This post is for explain how to create a simple application with Phoenix and Elixir using Web So...
Hello Ember Js
This is my first post in this year.
Recently we have to develop a project about teacher training for...
Fibonacci Sequence Review with Swift
Fibonacci Sequence With Swift 4.0 One of the firsts examples is the Fibonacci Sequence, although It’...
First iOS App: Sending Messages to Slack
Hey! I have been learning how to program swift because I want to write iOS apps.
For the first, I co...
Develop with VertX
This was a post writted for Making Devs Blog. Recently we use the project Vertx for develop a projec...
How to send Slack Messages with Groovy
Recently I have been searching projects for send messages to Slack Channel, and I found many purpose...
Connect Vertx with MongoDB using Groovy
Create a Simple Connection With Vertx, MongoDB and Groovy You have to install VertX 3.3.3, Groovy,...
Agile Planet ScketchNotes Review
The idea of this Lean Book is to be a travel guide to Agile Methods, this publication is a resume of...
balloon layout single demo
Balloon layout can also be used in regular page.
Go to list demo
Breadcrumbs Render breadcrumbs navigation
Usage {{< breadcrumbs />}} Examples {{< breadcru...
Changelog v1.0.1 (2022/04/02) Fixed Fix img style issue, it should be max-width instead of width (#...
CodePen Embeded codepen to page.
Usage {{< codepen id="" >}} Paramters:
id: codepe...
Color Block
Color Block A block with color
Usage {{< color-block style="" >}} {{< /color-bloc...
Embed github
Embed github Directly embed github source code like gist with Prism.js syntax highlight.
Usage {{<...
Icon Monochrome built-in icons.
Usage {{< icon name="" link="" >}} Paramt...
Icon Group
Icon Group Wrap icons with grid layout
Usage {{< icon-group >}} {{< /icon-group >}} Exa...
JSFiddle Embeded jsfiddle to page.
Usage {{< jsfiddle id="" >}} Paramters:
id: jsf...
Regular Page
This is a regular page in bookcase.
This document shows a brief guide to setup hugo-theme-monochrome in your hugo project.
Quick Start I...
Terms Cloud
Terms Cloud Render terms cloud, hugo supports tag and category terms by default, if you want to add ...